Thursday, December 31, 2015

Nailed It

Tonight the eleven year old was showing me part of her journal. She had written some things about this past year going by quickly, getting things done, possibly needing help from mom to get things done, and then some things about choices and homeschool. She said that everyone can homeschool and then they can make their own choices. They would have the freedom to choose what they wanted to do and who they wanted to be. Nailed it. I'm glad she realizes that she's able to make choices and that she is capable of making good choices.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

25 Days of Christ

Today we started our 25 Days of Christ. I shared the idea this morning. So, we'll see who else joins us. I thought of the idea a week or two ago and decided it would be fun to have the kids and I participate together. I spoke with them about it last night and they liked the idea. We came up with some ideas and figure out how it would be structured (loosely). I thought I would share here what we do.
This morning the kids and I listened to the Piano Guys new video. I went to the temple while the boys were at debate. I saw a nativity there that I wasn't expecting. I took a picture and later shared it. I had a couple of minutes to just stand there looking at it and thinking.
Later in the day, we got a couple of things ready for an event that the girls and I will be attending tomorrow morning. We get to do a service project and a holiday gathering with the families that part of the same co-op the girls were in this past fall. The kids put most of the decorations up. (Tomorrow we'll bring out the music, shows, candles, and books.) I had another chance to download and listen to another new Christmas song by Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband. I think it's called, The Night that Christ was Born. I'll have to check on that.
This evening we had dinner and then Megan and I went down to Thanksgiving Point to see the light display they have each year. We've only gone once before. Layne wasn't thrilled.:] It's been years. But, we happen to have a membership right now and they had free admission for members last night and tonight. We decided to take advantage of the deal. Megan is the only one that wanted to go. It seemed like a bit of a drive - especially since I had already taken the boys to debate today. But, I'm glad we went. She loved it. I drove and she took pictures. She was especially attentive to things she thought Rachel would like.
Tonight is finally quiet. The kids are in bed after doing our scripture and prayer. I'm going to do something calm and then go to bed myself. Wake up time will come early enough...and, it looks to be another busy day.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kate and Leopold

I saw 'Kate and Leopold' the other night. I had never even heard about it. I think it's now one of my top choices. It has Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman in it. It was done a few years ago. It's obviously a partially about the romance. It's also about time travel and history. It's about customs and social graces. Good movie. It's one I would actually recommend. I don't do that very much these days. It seems like other movies I've seen that I like have that 'one scene' in it that you don't realize is there until it's too late. So, I like most of the movie...but, it also makes it so I don't feel comfortable recommending it to others. This movie didn't have any of that in it. (I think it's rated PG-13.)

Friday, November 27, 2015

Lucked Out So Far

I was thinking just this morning how grateful I am that we don't have any issues in our family with food allergies or anyone needing a specific diet. At least that's the case so far...I don't want to curse anything. I've been glad t's not something we've needed to deal with in our kitchen (and anywhere else we might go). I'm glad our kids will eat just about anything. There are days I'm just grateful that there isn't another issue that needs to be managed. I'm also grateful for healthy kids.

Helpful Kids

I love my kids. They have been helpful while we've been here at my folks house. Rachel came upstairs today asking for help with her hair after her shower. She told me that once I was done she was going to go ask if she could help with breakfast before taking her hair care items back downstairs. I have seen all of my kids help multiple times without being asked. Some requests were made - but, they are doing a pretty good job of seeing a need and helping out. This is just one of the things I'm grateful for lately.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I Did It

Today I finally called about getting us back online. We've had issues with our internet for a few days now. I missed being able to write/post. So, I guess I better being doing more of it.
The kids were so happy to have internet access again. It's one of those things that we don't really think about until it's gone. We've really noticed...and missed it. A homeschool family of five gets plenty of use out of wi-fi.:}
I was glad I was able to get things figured out. I called tech support feeling a little silly. I don't really know what I'm talking about when it comes to technology. But, I lived through it. Now I just get to keep moving down the list.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

So Blessed

I have been a little grouchy the last few days about things breaking and/or not working around here - mostly the technology that gets used on a daily basis. We did our scripture and prayers tonight. Jonny said the prayer for us. He said something about being grateful for electricity and running water. It was a great reminder for me. Yes. We're having issues with our TV phone is having issues and so is the new camera. I managed to bend the door on our dishwasher by tripping over it - literally. I'm pretty sure no one has ever fallen over a dishwasher door as they tripped over it when it was in its horizontal position. There are no witnesses. So, I guess that's good.:} Anyway. Back to the original thought...
I was so glad that I had the reminder to be thankful for the many things we do have. We have the things Jonny mentioned. We also have a cozy house to sleep comfortably on a chilly night. We all had enough dinner tonight and have plenty of food to know that no one will be going to bed hungry tomorrow. We have clothes to wear that match the season. We live in a place where we feel safe. We have freedoms that many people around the world don't get to claim. We have a family that gets along - for the most part.:}

Monday, November 2, 2015


Part of an overheard conversation:
Jonny commenting about something on Facebook. Jacob replied, "Dude, I haven't even been on Facebook for about three weeks. I feel so liberated.". I think I might have laughed. Kids are all different. Jonny is on Facebook daily and Jacob might take a look once a month.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Check...and Check

This morning we did some 'winterizing' of the yard. The rain barrel was emptied, rinsed out, dried, and put away. The outside water was turned off and hoses put away. The garden was harvested - the tomatoes, onions, and carrots were brought inside. The pumpkins were put in the wheelbarrow and made their way to the front lawn for people to come pick them up. The rose bushes were pruned. And...I think that's about it. The kids were so helpful. I was glad we had a chance to work together. I was talking with them during breakfast about what needed to be done. Jacob finished and went outside to get started. He seems to have his dad's work ethic. I'm glad. The work continues until the job is done. There are a couple of other things that need to be done. But, they can wait and we'll get to them another day. I'm glad we made the progress that we did today. We even got it all done in the morning. It was nice to have some time for other things.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Amazing Mom

"You just keep getting more amazing by the minute, mom." Megan exclaimed this just now as I made room in the fridge for the juice container. I had to come write it down obviously. Our fridge has been full lately. It seems to be mostly left overs and meals that are ready to go from people who have been so very generous.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Today we had a chance to see some families that we hadn't seen for awhile. There was a missionary homecoming where we had a chance to see the Warners. We also had the Crawfords stop by as they were on their way back home to Idaho. We are so blessed to have great people in our lives. We love our friends.
It made me realize once again that I need to be doing better about connecting with others. I would love to spend more time with family and good friends. Life is so much about our relationships with others and doing what we can to lift and strengthen.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Boys are Away

The boys are taking part in a camp out this week-end. So, The girls and I are on our own.:} It's a little quieter - but, not by much. Yesterday, Jonny was being talkative - so, we missed that once he left. Last night we did Rachel's suggestion for our dinner menu and then we watched Cinderella. I hadn't seen it before. It was fun to see with the girls. They thought it was fun that I managed to pull some candy out of seemingly nowhere. (Once the stash is revealed - one has to find a different location for the candy - last night there were no secrets divulged.)
The girls went to bed late and I read for awhile. This morning we're up and doing on this sunny autumn morning. We'll see how the day unfolds. The boys think they're going to come back from the campout, spend time with friends (something about sushi?), and then attend a dance at a local LDS chapel. We'll see how they do waking up in the morning.:}

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


The girls and I went to the wAIRhouse today with some other homeschool families. The boys opted out. They went to a similar place just a week or so ago with some friends. They had other things they were thinking to do, and they weren't sure if the crowd was going to be mostly younger kids or not. was just me and my daughters. I'm glad we went. It was good to get out and do something different. It was great to see people we hadn't seen for awhile and to meet new families.
We're trying to do better about getting out and about. I'd also like to have us do a much better job of connecting with other homeschoolers.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Use of Time

What we're currently doing...
(What kids are spending their time on...)
The boys are part of an early morning seminary class.
They are also doing debate. That meets once a week for a couple of hours at a time. It's officially called the Wasatch Homeschool Debate League (WHDL). But, we just call it debate.
They are also involved with Young Men (church youth group) and Scouts - Eagles are next.
Jacob will be working on getting his Driver's License and Jonny will be doing the same in just a little while.
They both are thinking to put more effort into their Duty to God.
Both of them love to explore topics of interest.
Jacob drinks in history and all things 'geek'.
Jonny is our resident artist when it comes to drawing. He draws, he learns about drawing, and then draws some more. He loves the current geek - or nerdy - stuff as well.
(I can't remember which term covers which topics.)
The girls are participating in a homeschool co-op on Wednesday mornings. (It's called a co-op, but all I do is provide transportation and money for a few supplies - and a snack.)
They've both done a little bit of sewing lately.
Megan loves to create clothing designs.
Rachel like to recycle materials around the house to create a variety of items.
They are also involved with Activity Days through our ward.
They have recognized a need to work on their Faith in God soon.
We occasionally get the chance to meet up with homeschool friends at the park.
We all still go the library each Saturday.
I'm thinking to incorporate the use of a 'writing coach' that is offered free of charge at our local library. I'll need to look into that.
The library also offers computer courses, art exhibits, events, and lots of materials.
The boys have found 'Crash Course' and have been watching a few episodes. There are a variety of topics covered. I think Jacob is determined to watch all he can about history.
They also watch Life Nogin, Odd Squad, Word Girl (not as much lately), Martha Speaks, Wild Kratts, and a couple of other things. I like that they find things to watch that teach them something.
I'd love to watch more American Ride, How the States Got Their Shapes, and Mythbusters. We've watched all of those before - just not all of them and they're not currently a 'thing' at our house.
Oh - and the series that was on PBS about the elements - the kids loved that one. That was watched all the way through - by everyone.
We're also hoping to get something from Book Samaritan at any time. I'm thinking that will include some materials for math and history.
They kids all read daily all on their own.
They've been working on writing daily as well.
They each read their scriptures on a daily bases - all on their own - Rachel is still working on the habit.
We have a couple of outings scheduled...and need to do more.
Of course all of us get to participate in things like attempting to keep the house clean and in order, clean clothes, yard work, cooking, service to others, and living the gospel.
I had a thought the other day to make sure we do more to learn, live, and share the gospel. So - more to come on that one.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Be Strong

I've decided to start my own 'Be Strong' campaign. I need to make sure that I am taking care of myself so I can accomplish what needs to be done and mostly so I can be here for my kids (and helpful to others as well). I want to be more sure of myself in all areas - so, I came up with a plan. It's nothing groundbreaking. I'm just going to be working on different areas of my life a little at a time - all at once. I'll master one thing and add another item to continue my progress. I wanted a way to keep improving without getting overwhelmed. I also wanted a way to work on the different aspects of my life...spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, intellectual, etc... If I were to feel like it was too much at a time the habits wouldn't really become true habits. It might be human nature - it might be just how I work.
As I work through this phrases like 'baby steps' and 'line upon line' come to mind. I have a great desire to do things that will be helpful and not too much. I said...a little at a time.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I'm getting more exercise in these days. I was exercising regularly and then realized a little while ago that I need to switch things up to be more effective. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit it in the schedule. But, this morning I was realizing that I love being able to feel which muscles I worked the day before. I'm hoping it'll lead to better health.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Extra Mile

I asked Jonny to wash the oatmeal pan this morning. I came in the kitchen later and noticed the other dishes (a couple of random things on the counter) had been washed...and, the table had been wiped off. I was grateful for kids that go the 'extra mile' occasionally.
Update: I forgot to mention that previous to this happening he had taken out the garbage when he noticed it needed to happen.

Shoes or Jacket?

This morning the girls went out to do some weeding - at least that's what they said. I was outside checking on the lock for our storage shed. I noticed Megan didn't have on any shoes. I asked her about it - thinking that the weather and yard work might call for them. She responded letting me know she didn't really want them and she had put on a jacket. I chuckled a little. I'm guessing the logic is that if you have on shoes or a jacket, it's sufficient. You don't need both unless it's truly cold outside. Silly kids.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday Co-Op

The girls started a homeschool co-op today. It meets each Wednesday and will go through the fall. It fits just right for what we need. It's close, it costs next to nothing for what we're getting, there are some familiar people there, other mothers/parents are doing the teaching, it's art/science/ many good things. Today when I picked them up they seemed happy and wanted to share what they had done. I took that as a good sign.
One of the comments that I need to follow up on is something Megan said. She mentioned something about how she thought it was weird that it was at a church. I asked her why she thought that and the conversation ended up going elsewhere - or getting interrupted - or something. I will be coming back to that. I don't know if she meant she wasn't expecting to be meeting in a church building. Or, maybe she thought it was a different experience to be doing science in a place where people worship. Hmm...I'm curious to find out.

Each Day

Rachel shared the idea this evening that we could clean one room of the house each day of the week - except Sunday. We talked about it for a couple of minutes. Right now we have things that are done each day by everyone. But, I would be up for trying another way as well. I thought it was kind of cool that my nine year old was thinking about how the household chores could be organized. Maybe I'll just let her run with it.:}

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Yesterday we went to the library and then the store. I was bringing things in afterward - the boys went with me and forgot there were groceries in the back of the van once we got home. I decided to bring everything in at myself. There were only a couple of things from the store and a total of four items I had checked out of the library. So - it seemed manageable.
I loaded up and heading for the house. I got through the gate and chose to attempt closing it with my foot. The first try didn't quite make it happen. I tried again and when I brought my foot back down, I twisted my right ankle, lost my balance and fell to the ground with the library bag and groceries spilling around me. I ended up flat on my back. I also felt the sensation in my right hand, wrist, and arm that let me know I had used them to try and break my fall. I stayed there for a bit - regrouping and then wondering if anyone even noticed. No one seemed to have noticed because I laid there by myself for a few minutes before picking things back up and heading inside.
My ankle still hurts. I'm glad it wasn't more serious. I eventually propped it up and put some ice on it.   Hopefully, it won't take too long to heal. I would be great if I could say I learned my lesson - but, judging from past experience - it will not be the last time I try to bring too many things in the house after an errand run.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Starting Somewhere

So...I've come up with a couple of things. I have some exercises that I will be doing as a have a moment or two throughout the day. The objectives are for them to help my back and to pave the way to even more exercise as I continue to add on to what I'm doing. 
I decided that the only way I'm going to get things done is to just start small and keep adding. I have things I want to do with several different categories - obviously physical (from above) - but, also spiritual, mental, emotional, intellectual, and financial - at least for now. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Blog Topics

I've been thinking this morning a little about blogging and some of the blogs I see that parents (mostly mothers) do to keep track of what their families are doing. I'm attempting to do this blog. But, I'm not doing it very well. It's about the several things. The blog I spend more time on is about my husband, his cancer, and our journey. I get a little jealous sometimes that other moms get to write about fun outings and I get to write about how we stick around home more than we used to because dad is on hospice. I'd rather have him still healthy and write about our family learning and growing together. You can find the blog here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I just got back from the chiropractor. I feel much better. I'm not exactly the model student. I don't do all of my homework. I did pretty good at first. Then...well, then life continued to happen and I need to take better control of it. I'm needing to start a new exercise program. I know that will help my back and keep me more healthy in order to tackle everything I need to these days. Balance. I need balance in my life. I'm trying to get there.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Autumn On Its Way

Rachel asked this morning, "Is the air conditioner on cold?". Nope. That would just be the cool autumn air that is finally coming our way. I love my Rachel and I love the cooler weather after feeling the heat for awhile. It's like new things are coming. I enjoy the change in seasons.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Debate Team

I signed the boys up for a homeschool debate team. I know it will be a challenge for them. But, I think it'll be one of those growing experiences where you are always glad you did it. At least I'm hoping they'll see it that way. I see lots of potential in this one. We've talked about it and they seem okay with it. We'll see how it goes. It starts this week.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Aha Moments

Jacob and I were driving home. He mentioned that he had read the Unschooling book I had on the shelf. I asked him what he thought about it. He said he had a couple of Aha moments when he realized, "That's why I didn't like public school.".
I couldn't help but smile. I'm glad he's discovering himself. I'm glad he's realizing what works for him.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It feels like we're getting into more of a routine. The boys started seminary yesterday. I've also chatted with the kids about what they want to be learning and doing these days. I'm excited about some new adventures and learning. The plans are still in the works. 
I do better when there's more of a plan and we can at least loosely stick to it. I'm not one to plan minute by minute. But, I think both the kids and I like having some structure to our days. 
We have a lot of unknowns in our schedule these days. It's hard to plan sometimes. But, we're making an attempt to at least have an outline.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Two In A Row

I've exercised for two mornings in a row now. I know be very proud. Yesterday, I tried a DVD I got from the library. It was just twenty minutes long and gave me a chance to stretch a bit as well. This morning it was a walk around the neighborhood. It was about 25 minutes worth and then home to stretch. I feel like I don't have much time to fit it in. But, I'm feeling like it's very important for me to move forward with getting moving in a variety of ways. I go.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Taking It Up A Notch

I went to Urgent Care toward the beginning of July for my back. They weighed me when I got there. I was 214 pounds. I have never weighed that much in my life. The number on the little screen scared and shocked me all at the same time. All of the sudden the screen seemed big enough for everyone passing by to see. I was more self conscious of my weight then I ever had been - and, hopefully ever will be. I realized I needed to do something more. I have been continuing to put on more and more weight the last year or two. I'm not sure what the cause is at this point. I have been consistent with exercise for the past year or two - but, maybe I need to take it up a notch. I was at the chiropractor not too long after that and he gave me squats as one of my 'assignment' in order to build up the muscles in my legs. I love doing squats. I realized in that moment that I truly do have exercises that I used to do quite a bit and loved. In fact, after the boys were born, I did very well with exercising on a regular basis. Actually, after the first was born - I became a regular at that point and just kept it going for years. During the years that I was consistent - and younger - I weighed 142 pounds for several years. I didn't own a scale...that's just from times I might have stepped on one during that time. It was always the same. Interesting how the same three numbers appeared years later and had such a different meaning to me. I need to figure it out for my physical health and my mental health. I need to be strong. I also need to NOT have a need to purchase clothing a size bigger than the time before.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

New Shoes!

Love my new shoes! I finally broke down and purchased a new pair yesterday. I had to search multiple stores, but it was worth it. It's nice to be able to walk around without my feet hurting. I did the wrong thing when I just kept wearing my last pair - that I love. (They were Merrill barefoot hiking/walking shoes.) They should have been replaced a year ago. It really does feel much better to be able to wear shoes that don't leave me with sore heals and calves. Lesson learned.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ice, Ice, Baby

My favorite time of day? It's when I get to put ice on my back and then head to bed. I look forward to it everyday.

Clothing "Exchange"

I went to a clothing exchange this morning. Well, they called it an exchange. It was really just a chance to get some clothes for free. I guess the event was announced to the 'inner city' wards/stakes. That includes us apparently. A group further north decided they would do a great thing and gather items together for others and then let us come and choose what we needed. I was able to get a coat for Jonny as well as a light jacket, some shirts for Jacob, clothes for me, and both shirts and pants for the girls. They also had some knit hats there that I grabbed for each of the girls...along with some light gloves. They had a couple of other things as well. I chose some book while I was there too. I'm exciting and chose books about things like algebra, writing, how to fix things (home), a booklet about preparing for the temple, and a collection of stories for young kids. I picked up some books by Chieko Okazaki as well - but, decided that I could check those out from the library and someone else could benefit from them. (I love her messages.) They had a big box of file folder games. (Lots of work goes into those.) I grabbed a few of the simple ones for the nursery in our ward. Layne didn't really think I would find anything and wasn't sure about what was available. So, he was a little leery about me going. But, it worked out well.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Another Quote

"We prefer TV over doing something productive." This is what Megan shared a few minutes ago when we were remembering we needed to go through the clothes she and Rachel have in their room. This is not a reflection on everyone in the family. Well...maybe. I think we'd all rather sit and relax - but, not all of us get to do so instead of being productive. (Besides, this past week it's been a book I've been working on not a show that's been tempting for me.):}

Breakfast Together

Quote this morning from a just waking up Jacob, "This pancake is so warm, I could just take a nap on it.".
I love Saturdays when we get to sleep in a bit and then have pancake breakfasts together. Megan and Rachel helped with the pancakes. I mix up the batter and they did the rest...fresh blueberries and chocolate chips were involved. Yum.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Feeling flustered! My cell phone has been a little off the past few days. By the end of today, it has been giving me messages about google play. I tried to troubleshoot. I think I might have just done it wrong because it still doesn't work. The tutorial I was working from said to try one thing (didn't work) and then another. Well, I tried a couple of things. It didn't tell me until the bottom of the page that I might lose data if I did one of the actions. One of the reasons I did it was because I thought it meant I wouldn't lose my data and it would fix the problem at the same time. So, I now still can't use my phone or the apps on it...and, I might have just lost everything I did have on it (data wise).
Grrr! I feel like there are so many other things going on right now that I just can't wrap my head around something else going wrong. I don't know when the one thing and then another is going to end. It seems like it would need to slow down some time so I can actually be productive.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Missed Appointment

I was scheduled to go to the chiropractor today. When we got back from our trip there was a message saying that I needed to reschedule. I was bummed. I truly was looking forward to going because my back has had a long week. It's also been longer in between appointments already. So, to have to wait close to another week will be a little tricky. I'm just going to tell myself that I can do hard things.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rain Storm

We're having a rain storm right now. I was out in it for a bit. Megan was out doing something with the hammock. I went out to see what was going on just as it started to rain. She was attempting to take it down so it wouldn't get wet. I love that she tries to remember to take care of things. As I typed that, I looked over and saw the umbrella propped up in the corner with something underneath it so the drips won't get on the floor. I would be willing to be that Megan is the one that put it there. She's kind of like that - just takes care of things.
I helped Megan get the hammock unhooked and then decided to stay outside for a bit. I enjoyed the rain under cover by our table. I sat down at first and then decided to get up and move back and forth some while I was taking in the experience of the storm...the rain, the fresh air, the couple of streaks of lightening, and a bit of thunder. I love summer storms.
While I was in my spot Megan moved around a bit and then went inside. She apparently wasn't able to stay away. She came out with an umbrella and started to experience the rain again herself. She walked around, she did a little dance, she came under cover with me for a bit, and she used the umbrella out in front of her as if charging into battle. (I wished that I had my camera with me. Remembering all of this is one of the reasons I wanted to come in and write it all down.)
Another thing Megan did was cup her hands together and get a handful of rain to drink. I told her to, "try this", as I stuck my tongue out to catch some rain myself. She put her face right out there and had drips running down her face. They went well with her grin. I love sharing moments with my kids.
Jonny came out as well. We let him use the umbrella while he made sure things were set up to drain properly at the side of the house. I'm sure Layne is the one that sent him out. I'm grateful the kids are great about helping.
I also took the umbrella for a bit to check a couple of things out for myself. I wanted to see what was happening in the front of the house. We planted some flowers that I keep thinking just might grow, but we haven't seen any of them yet. I hope the rain helps out. We've seen a couple shoots of green, but I don't know if they're the beginning of flowers or a type of weed I'm not familiar with yet.
While I was out there, I thought about the moving around I was doing. I need to figure out something different for exercising. I remembered a photo I had seen just today that reminded me that about ten or so years ago I was in much better shape than I am now - including the proof of my current shape.:} So, I want to create small steps to take to get back into better shape. It's quite possible that my 'old' (current) self will never look like my previous self. But, I'm determined to come up with a strategy to be more healthy.
I also thought about things that need to be getting done. I thought about a couple of ways to make myself more productive as well. I need a system that will work for me.
Best of all, while I was outside in the rain, I took the opportunity to take a few deep breaths. That made me realize that I don't do that often enough. It's one of those things that makes one feel better almost immediately. I feel like I have so far to go and yet when I take the time to breathe - it feels like things will be alright and I can conquer more than what I originally thought I could. So...onward and upward.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Back to Back

I've had issues with my back lately. At first I thought it was my spine. But, I've gone to the chiropractor and have found out that it's my muscles. It was interesting to see the different approaches that were taken at Urgent Care (beginning of the month) and the chiropractor (week and a half later). One wanted to just do a temporary fix of the symptoms. The other wants to take care of the problem and have lifelong good habits in place. Hmm...
I've been feeling a little better. I still have issues when I sit or stand for too long. I have to switch around what I'm doing. I also have stretches that I do several times a day. I ice my back at night as well. I have two different spots that are the focus. I'm glad there's been some progress. I just hope it'll end up being a permanent thing.

Friday, June 19, 2015

New Computer

We got a new computer yesterday. I'm amazed how quickly things get done when the tool actually works. It's nothing short of a miracle. I've attempted to do a couple of things this afternoon with great results. I've been able to quickly post to a blog. I've also been able to go back and forth between different references I've been using for a talk about the priesthood. I can quickly look up something and read it, then get something written down or do a simple cut/paste of a quote I might want to use, I can then go immediately to a video that's helpful. Love it!! It feels so much better to use a machine that works. I feel like I'm truly accomplishing something instead of waiting - and waiting some more for a simple function to be performed. I don't even have to try saving a post several times only to be told - after waiting 'patiently' - that it didn't work and I need to try again. It's saving as I go - the usual. I even just clicked save because I was headed to do something else - it just did it. Quick and no issues. Woot!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Quote for Today

Megan today: "Alma never ends. It goes on forever like the number line."
I've never heard that comparison before - but, I can understand how a person might feel that way when beginning chapter 54. Glad our family is reading the Book of Mormon together. (And, glad Megan knows a few things about the number line.)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Sweats and Slippers

I just changed into some sweats, slippers, and put in a ponytail...I'm ready to work now. I was gone all day with Layne, came home, took a nap, and had to do something to motivate myself to get going. I couldn't quite get myself to move even though the kids needed dinner and we had several things to do this evening. Up and at 'em.
Amazing how being comfortable is helping me to get things done right now.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Short Story

This morning Jonny commented about a goal of finishing a short story. Jacob said he had a short story. "A guy walks into a bar. He says, "Ow!"." What? And then we laughed. I said something about it being a joke and he told us, 'it's not a joke, it's a short story with a comical ending'. I think I laughed even harder.