Saturday, August 15, 2015

Clothing "Exchange"

I went to a clothing exchange this morning. Well, they called it an exchange. It was really just a chance to get some clothes for free. I guess the event was announced to the 'inner city' wards/stakes. That includes us apparently. A group further north decided they would do a great thing and gather items together for others and then let us come and choose what we needed. I was able to get a coat for Jonny as well as a light jacket, some shirts for Jacob, clothes for me, and both shirts and pants for the girls. They also had some knit hats there that I grabbed for each of the girls...along with some light gloves. They had a couple of other things as well. I chose some book while I was there too. I'm exciting and chose books about things like algebra, writing, how to fix things (home), a booklet about preparing for the temple, and a collection of stories for young kids. I picked up some books by Chieko Okazaki as well - but, decided that I could check those out from the library and someone else could benefit from them. (I love her messages.) They had a big box of file folder games. (Lots of work goes into those.) I grabbed a few of the simple ones for the nursery in our ward. Layne didn't really think I would find anything and wasn't sure about what was available. So, he was a little leery about me going. But, it worked out well.

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