Saturday, August 29, 2015

Debate Team

I signed the boys up for a homeschool debate team. I know it will be a challenge for them. But, I think it'll be one of those growing experiences where you are always glad you did it. At least I'm hoping they'll see it that way. I see lots of potential in this one. We've talked about it and they seem okay with it. We'll see how it goes. It starts this week.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Aha Moments

Jacob and I were driving home. He mentioned that he had read the Unschooling book I had on the shelf. I asked him what he thought about it. He said he had a couple of Aha moments when he realized, "That's why I didn't like public school.".
I couldn't help but smile. I'm glad he's discovering himself. I'm glad he's realizing what works for him.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It feels like we're getting into more of a routine. The boys started seminary yesterday. I've also chatted with the kids about what they want to be learning and doing these days. I'm excited about some new adventures and learning. The plans are still in the works. 
I do better when there's more of a plan and we can at least loosely stick to it. I'm not one to plan minute by minute. But, I think both the kids and I like having some structure to our days. 
We have a lot of unknowns in our schedule these days. It's hard to plan sometimes. But, we're making an attempt to at least have an outline.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Two In A Row

I've exercised for two mornings in a row now. I know be very proud. Yesterday, I tried a DVD I got from the library. It was just twenty minutes long and gave me a chance to stretch a bit as well. This morning it was a walk around the neighborhood. It was about 25 minutes worth and then home to stretch. I feel like I don't have much time to fit it in. But, I'm feeling like it's very important for me to move forward with getting moving in a variety of ways. I go.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Taking It Up A Notch

I went to Urgent Care toward the beginning of July for my back. They weighed me when I got there. I was 214 pounds. I have never weighed that much in my life. The number on the little screen scared and shocked me all at the same time. All of the sudden the screen seemed big enough for everyone passing by to see. I was more self conscious of my weight then I ever had been - and, hopefully ever will be. I realized I needed to do something more. I have been continuing to put on more and more weight the last year or two. I'm not sure what the cause is at this point. I have been consistent with exercise for the past year or two - but, maybe I need to take it up a notch. I was at the chiropractor not too long after that and he gave me squats as one of my 'assignment' in order to build up the muscles in my legs. I love doing squats. I realized in that moment that I truly do have exercises that I used to do quite a bit and loved. In fact, after the boys were born, I did very well with exercising on a regular basis. Actually, after the first was born - I became a regular at that point and just kept it going for years. During the years that I was consistent - and younger - I weighed 142 pounds for several years. I didn't own a scale...that's just from times I might have stepped on one during that time. It was always the same. Interesting how the same three numbers appeared years later and had such a different meaning to me. I need to figure it out for my physical health and my mental health. I need to be strong. I also need to NOT have a need to purchase clothing a size bigger than the time before.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

New Shoes!

Love my new shoes! I finally broke down and purchased a new pair yesterday. I had to search multiple stores, but it was worth it. It's nice to be able to walk around without my feet hurting. I did the wrong thing when I just kept wearing my last pair - that I love. (They were Merrill barefoot hiking/walking shoes.) They should have been replaced a year ago. It really does feel much better to be able to wear shoes that don't leave me with sore heals and calves. Lesson learned.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ice, Ice, Baby

My favorite time of day? It's when I get to put ice on my back and then head to bed. I look forward to it everyday.

Clothing "Exchange"

I went to a clothing exchange this morning. Well, they called it an exchange. It was really just a chance to get some clothes for free. I guess the event was announced to the 'inner city' wards/stakes. That includes us apparently. A group further north decided they would do a great thing and gather items together for others and then let us come and choose what we needed. I was able to get a coat for Jonny as well as a light jacket, some shirts for Jacob, clothes for me, and both shirts and pants for the girls. They also had some knit hats there that I grabbed for each of the girls...along with some light gloves. They had a couple of other things as well. I chose some book while I was there too. I'm exciting and chose books about things like algebra, writing, how to fix things (home), a booklet about preparing for the temple, and a collection of stories for young kids. I picked up some books by Chieko Okazaki as well - but, decided that I could check those out from the library and someone else could benefit from them. (I love her messages.) They had a big box of file folder games. (Lots of work goes into those.) I grabbed a few of the simple ones for the nursery in our ward. Layne didn't really think I would find anything and wasn't sure about what was available. So, he was a little leery about me going. But, it worked out well.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Another Quote

"We prefer TV over doing something productive." This is what Megan shared a few minutes ago when we were remembering we needed to go through the clothes she and Rachel have in their room. This is not a reflection on everyone in the family. Well...maybe. I think we'd all rather sit and relax - but, not all of us get to do so instead of being productive. (Besides, this past week it's been a book I've been working on not a show that's been tempting for me.):}

Breakfast Together

Quote this morning from a just waking up Jacob, "This pancake is so warm, I could just take a nap on it.".
I love Saturdays when we get to sleep in a bit and then have pancake breakfasts together. Megan and Rachel helped with the pancakes. I mix up the batter and they did the rest...fresh blueberries and chocolate chips were involved. Yum.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Feeling flustered! My cell phone has been a little off the past few days. By the end of today, it has been giving me messages about google play. I tried to troubleshoot. I think I might have just done it wrong because it still doesn't work. The tutorial I was working from said to try one thing (didn't work) and then another. Well, I tried a couple of things. It didn't tell me until the bottom of the page that I might lose data if I did one of the actions. One of the reasons I did it was because I thought it meant I wouldn't lose my data and it would fix the problem at the same time. So, I now still can't use my phone or the apps on it...and, I might have just lost everything I did have on it (data wise).
Grrr! I feel like there are so many other things going on right now that I just can't wrap my head around something else going wrong. I don't know when the one thing and then another is going to end. It seems like it would need to slow down some time so I can actually be productive.