Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Rainbow Captain America

Today Jonny noticed a picture on Instagram. Someone had shared a picture they had drawn of Captain America. They changed part of the red/white/blue stripes for a rainbow. He thought it was kind of cool. I asked if he knew why they might have thought to draw it that way. He responded that he did. I asked, "Because of Orlando?". He nodded. We've already had at least one conversation about that so we continued with the current topic. He mentioned the comments he saw in response to the drawing. I asked about them. Did people not like the idea of changing Captain America? Were there comments about gays? He said it was mostly "mean stuff about gay people". We talked some more. The comments made him angry. He knew things were being said that were mean and hurtful - unnecessary words.
I remember stating some of my own thoughts and feelings. I didn't think it was right either. It's okay if people are different than we are...we still get the opportunity to friendly and be kind. We can choose love. There are so many families and other loved ones hurting right now that it should be a time of pulling together and showing support instead of spewing hate. (I'm not sure I used the word spewing at the time...but, it fits.)
I was grateful for several things in that moment. I am still grateful for them. I have a son that recognizes when hurtful and hateful things are being said. I have a child that doesn't like those things being said. I have children that I can have conversations with every day where I get to share my ideas/thoughts/feelings - and just as important I get to hear the same from them. These are conversations - not lectures. I'm thankful for a son that has a big heart and has a desire to include everyone.
My daughters were there too. They have also now heard - again - my thoughts and feelings about showing love and being kind. I'm sure there will be future conversations with all of them.

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