Saturday, October 31, 2015

Check...and Check

This morning we did some 'winterizing' of the yard. The rain barrel was emptied, rinsed out, dried, and put away. The outside water was turned off and hoses put away. The garden was harvested - the tomatoes, onions, and carrots were brought inside. The pumpkins were put in the wheelbarrow and made their way to the front lawn for people to come pick them up. The rose bushes were pruned. And...I think that's about it. The kids were so helpful. I was glad we had a chance to work together. I was talking with them during breakfast about what needed to be done. Jacob finished and went outside to get started. He seems to have his dad's work ethic. I'm glad. The work continues until the job is done. There are a couple of other things that need to be done. But, they can wait and we'll get to them another day. I'm glad we made the progress that we did today. We even got it all done in the morning. It was nice to have some time for other things.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Amazing Mom

"You just keep getting more amazing by the minute, mom." Megan exclaimed this just now as I made room in the fridge for the juice container. I had to come write it down obviously. Our fridge has been full lately. It seems to be mostly left overs and meals that are ready to go from people who have been so very generous.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Today we had a chance to see some families that we hadn't seen for awhile. There was a missionary homecoming where we had a chance to see the Warners. We also had the Crawfords stop by as they were on their way back home to Idaho. We are so blessed to have great people in our lives. We love our friends.
It made me realize once again that I need to be doing better about connecting with others. I would love to spend more time with family and good friends. Life is so much about our relationships with others and doing what we can to lift and strengthen.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Boys are Away

The boys are taking part in a camp out this week-end. So, The girls and I are on our own.:} It's a little quieter - but, not by much. Yesterday, Jonny was being talkative - so, we missed that once he left. Last night we did Rachel's suggestion for our dinner menu and then we watched Cinderella. I hadn't seen it before. It was fun to see with the girls. They thought it was fun that I managed to pull some candy out of seemingly nowhere. (Once the stash is revealed - one has to find a different location for the candy - last night there were no secrets divulged.)
The girls went to bed late and I read for awhile. This morning we're up and doing on this sunny autumn morning. We'll see how the day unfolds. The boys think they're going to come back from the campout, spend time with friends (something about sushi?), and then attend a dance at a local LDS chapel. We'll see how they do waking up in the morning.:}

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


The girls and I went to the wAIRhouse today with some other homeschool families. The boys opted out. They went to a similar place just a week or so ago with some friends. They had other things they were thinking to do, and they weren't sure if the crowd was going to be mostly younger kids or not. was just me and my daughters. I'm glad we went. It was good to get out and do something different. It was great to see people we hadn't seen for awhile and to meet new families.
We're trying to do better about getting out and about. I'd also like to have us do a much better job of connecting with other homeschoolers.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Use of Time

What we're currently doing...
(What kids are spending their time on...)
The boys are part of an early morning seminary class.
They are also doing debate. That meets once a week for a couple of hours at a time. It's officially called the Wasatch Homeschool Debate League (WHDL). But, we just call it debate.
They are also involved with Young Men (church youth group) and Scouts - Eagles are next.
Jacob will be working on getting his Driver's License and Jonny will be doing the same in just a little while.
They both are thinking to put more effort into their Duty to God.
Both of them love to explore topics of interest.
Jacob drinks in history and all things 'geek'.
Jonny is our resident artist when it comes to drawing. He draws, he learns about drawing, and then draws some more. He loves the current geek - or nerdy - stuff as well.
(I can't remember which term covers which topics.)
The girls are participating in a homeschool co-op on Wednesday mornings. (It's called a co-op, but all I do is provide transportation and money for a few supplies - and a snack.)
They've both done a little bit of sewing lately.
Megan loves to create clothing designs.
Rachel like to recycle materials around the house to create a variety of items.
They are also involved with Activity Days through our ward.
They have recognized a need to work on their Faith in God soon.
We occasionally get the chance to meet up with homeschool friends at the park.
We all still go the library each Saturday.
I'm thinking to incorporate the use of a 'writing coach' that is offered free of charge at our local library. I'll need to look into that.
The library also offers computer courses, art exhibits, events, and lots of materials.
The boys have found 'Crash Course' and have been watching a few episodes. There are a variety of topics covered. I think Jacob is determined to watch all he can about history.
They also watch Life Nogin, Odd Squad, Word Girl (not as much lately), Martha Speaks, Wild Kratts, and a couple of other things. I like that they find things to watch that teach them something.
I'd love to watch more American Ride, How the States Got Their Shapes, and Mythbusters. We've watched all of those before - just not all of them and they're not currently a 'thing' at our house.
Oh - and the series that was on PBS about the elements - the kids loved that one. That was watched all the way through - by everyone.
We're also hoping to get something from Book Samaritan at any time. I'm thinking that will include some materials for math and history.
They kids all read daily all on their own.
They've been working on writing daily as well.
They each read their scriptures on a daily bases - all on their own - Rachel is still working on the habit.
We have a couple of outings scheduled...and need to do more.
Of course all of us get to participate in things like attempting to keep the house clean and in order, clean clothes, yard work, cooking, service to others, and living the gospel.
I had a thought the other day to make sure we do more to learn, live, and share the gospel. So - more to come on that one.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Be Strong

I've decided to start my own 'Be Strong' campaign. I need to make sure that I am taking care of myself so I can accomplish what needs to be done and mostly so I can be here for my kids (and helpful to others as well). I want to be more sure of myself in all areas - so, I came up with a plan. It's nothing groundbreaking. I'm just going to be working on different areas of my life a little at a time - all at once. I'll master one thing and add another item to continue my progress. I wanted a way to keep improving without getting overwhelmed. I also wanted a way to work on the different aspects of my life...spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, intellectual, etc... If I were to feel like it was too much at a time the habits wouldn't really become true habits. It might be human nature - it might be just how I work.
As I work through this phrases like 'baby steps' and 'line upon line' come to mind. I have a great desire to do things that will be helpful and not too much. I said...a little at a time.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I'm getting more exercise in these days. I was exercising regularly and then realized a little while ago that I need to switch things up to be more effective. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit it in the schedule. But, this morning I was realizing that I love being able to feel which muscles I worked the day before. I'm hoping it'll lead to better health.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Extra Mile

I asked Jonny to wash the oatmeal pan this morning. I came in the kitchen later and noticed the other dishes (a couple of random things on the counter) had been washed...and, the table had been wiped off. I was grateful for kids that go the 'extra mile' occasionally.
Update: I forgot to mention that previous to this happening he had taken out the garbage when he noticed it needed to happen.

Shoes or Jacket?

This morning the girls went out to do some weeding - at least that's what they said. I was outside checking on the lock for our storage shed. I noticed Megan didn't have on any shoes. I asked her about it - thinking that the weather and yard work might call for them. She responded letting me know she didn't really want them and she had put on a jacket. I chuckled a little. I'm guessing the logic is that if you have on shoes or a jacket, it's sufficient. You don't need both unless it's truly cold outside. Silly kids.