Monday, December 22, 2014


I was just looking through some pictures. We have quite a few things I need to document. We've gone to some cool places and done some things that are both fun and worthwhile. Again...guess I better get busy and get that done.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Ready for the Day

I love that our kids are old enough to be doing more on their own. Today the boys got themselves up for seminary (as usual). When we got back from their class, the girls were already up and dressed. The kids wandered into the kitchen and are now helping with breakfast prep. I really love the times when I don't even need to ask. They just know what needs to happen and they take on the responsibility of getting it done.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Night at Home

The boys just got back from Young Men. They did a service project (raking leaves) and then played dodge ball. The girls are at home. They practiced their lines for the play, watched a show, and are now doing their own thing. Megan is drawing new clothing designs and Rachel is putting together a puzzle. I love that they can keep doing things throughout the day that let them pursue their interests and let them learn a few things along the way.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Park

Went to a 'new to us' park today with the girls. It's called Westpointe and is in the northwest part of Rose Park. The girls thought it was fun and had a good time. I'm glad we were able to get them outside before the weather gets too much colder and they don't want to get out as often. I want to try out more parks now.
It's fun to watch them create and explore. They are great at making up stories as they play. I know that's more characteristic of kids that are younger than them. I think by the time most kids are their age, they get around peers and have other things that they worry about - or, they think it's silly to still 'pretend'. I love it. They spent part of their time together today making up stories - including using some of the things at the park as props. They spent part of the time challenging themselves to do things physically that they'd never tried before and they spent part of their time exploring the newness around them. I loved that they did a variety of activities with a variety of purposes.
Love my girls. The boys stayed at home. Jacob had zonked out for a nap and Jonny was trying to figure out something online. (Something about comics or movies I'm sure.)
This afternoon made me want to do more to plan fun things for the kids - things to do, places to go, things to create, and exploring to happen. I want them to learn what they need to and be who they need to be.


Get Noticed in a Noisy World
By Michael Hyatt

Chapter 5: 'Don't Settle for Less Than Great', page 20
"Here are six ways to find the courage you need to make 'wow' happen."
1. Take a stand for greatness.
2. Connect with the original vision.
3. Remind yourself what is at stake.
4. Listen to your heart.
5. Speak up.
6. Be stubborn.
As I was reading this, I shifted gears. My original intention with reading the book was more about something I could do. I was hoping for some info/insights into how I could do more to share some of the thoughts/insights I have in a way that might have a financial gain. If not - at the very least create something that would help someone else.
I read this part and I started thinking about the kids and what I could do to help them learn and have a better experience in life. I want them to have the best childhood that I can share with them. I want them to thrive. I want them to be happy. I want them to learn how to function in an ever changing world. Somehow I was touched with ways that I could focus more on my kids as I was reading this section of Mr. Hyatt's book. I'm sure it was not his original intention. I don't think he had mothers of homeschool kids in mind when he wrote this book. It's not about educating children. It's much more about being an entrepreneur and providing a product/service that will stand out. So, his suggestions somehow needed to translate into what my children might need.
I think it was truly more of not getting specific advice. But, the idea of trying harder. And, why can't my kids: their lives; and their learning be part of my 'wow' experience here on earth? Why can't I help to make it part of a 'wow' experience for their lives. I think we could just have 'wow' experiences together and all benefit. (Maybe later I'll explain what the author meant by 'wow' experiences - but, for now I'll just let you guess from the context. Or, you could read the book.)
This can be great! I need to remember the original reasons for homeschooling and remind myself that it's a big deal. I will make sure I follow the inspiration I have and rand up for my kids. I will do those things even if I get tired and want to quit because I'm committed to my kids - their lives and their futures.  
This is a good book so far. If you want more details about the book/his ideas. You're welcome to read it. I'm going to continue with it for the reason it was intended.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Good Mythical Morning

The boys and I have been watching Good Mythical Morning on YouTube. Random humor. I'm glad they keep it clean. Here's the link.

They post each week day morning. I think it's cool how part of their comments are about their wives and kids.

Jonny thought it would be cool to do something too. He came up to me later and said he was going to do something about 'Mormon Myths' and maybe he'd start with something like people thinking we worship Joseph Smith. Loved it! I think I'll be supporting that one. I'm thrilled that he thought of that all on his own. I love that an everyday experience can prompt an idea for a project or something new to learn.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Learning Every Day

I just wrote a post about the kids and how they're learning every day in different ways. I accidentally posted it to the blog we have for them to post on. Here's the link. It's about Jonny being curious and finding out more, the girls gaining insight from literature, and Jacob being committed to just get something done. Love my kids. Love that we get to learn together every day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Time For Everything

At dinner, the kids were talking about having ice cream for our family home evening treat. It's Jacob's turn to pick and that's his usual. Megan asked, "When was the first day we started having ice cream?". Jacob stated that "It was when Grandpa Riding first fed it to us.". I had just been having a similar thought. There seems to be a tradition of Grandpa Riding being the first one to give each of the grandchildren their first ice cream. As parents, there are times some of us have realized after the fact. Apparently, there's a repent later theory instead of ask permission first on that one.
Of course, all of this is helped by the fact that Grandma Riding makes sure there's always a variety of ice cream in the freezer.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Location, Location, Location

I saw the lights of the fairgrounds as I was driving home from the store tonight. It reminded me that I love our location. We are close to things like the fairgrounds, freeways, downtown, the airport, and more...and yet, it feels like we're in a quiet tree lined neighborhood. Oh wait, we do live on a quiet tree lined street. We even have a park that's close by - but, not close enough to hear the noise or have people park in front of our house when there's a crowd. Nice. We like it.

An Extra Cookie

I just picked the boys up from seminary. They came out of the classroom with cookies. When they got in the van Jonny made a comment about them. He said that he'd asked if he could grab one for his mom. He then proceeded to say that as soon as the question was out of his mouth - the room went quiet. Needless to say, there was no cookie brought to me. He realized once he was embarrassed what the answer might be. Although, I'm guessing the teacher would have been fine with it if all of the students had already had one. I love that he was being thoughtful.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Reading and More Reading

I was sitting with the kids in our front room this morning. Jonny was reading to us. The idea came to me that this is so much better than rushing to get kids off to school and then not seeing them for the rest of the day. So grateful to be able to be together and work on some of the things they want to do. We're currently reading the Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis) because that's what they chose. I was glad about the choice. I have never read through them myself. (And I call myself a reader. Ha.)

The girls and I are trying to decide what we get to read together. We did some of the American Girl books earlier this year. We want to get back to them...but, would like to do something different in the meantime. We tried starting Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine, but Rachel seemed to be a little nervous about that before we even finished the first chapter. (She is the one we see the most about nightmares - so, we're just not going to go there.) There are always more options. We're looking into The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett or Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery). Rachel still likes a few illustrations in her books - so, I got a couple different versions from the library of The Secret Garden - one is hard bound and illustrated by Tasha Tudor and the other is illustrated by Inga Moore and has a soft binding. Both beckon to be opened. Maybe we'll try that first because I just can't stand it. It is one I do remember reading when I was younger.

Monday, August 25, 2014

More Beginnings

I just dropped the boys off at seminary. I drove off slowly - just to make sure it was really happening. I didn't want to embarrass them by going in. They walked in as it was supposed to be starting. If we had gotten there earlier, I might have sneaked in just to meet the teacher. Maybe when I pick them up...or some other day.
We get to start a few things this week. Rachel's clogging class starts tomorrow. I will be signing Megan up for a theatre class and then both of them want to also do piano. I'll get Jacob signed up for cross country too. So many things going on. I want to have the kids have the experiences they need. I think part of that includes leaving the schedule open for them to create and explore on their own. We'll see how it goes. It feels like we're off and running.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

End of Summer

Earlier today we were heading to an appointment. We passed the local public elementary school. I pointed and commented, "Just think, next week the kids will all be back to school.". One daughter asked, with a bit of panic in her voice, if that's what they would be doing. After I explained that we'd still be homeschooling, the other daughter stated that she never wanted to go to public school. I'm not sure where that came from and she might change her mind in the future. They are both apparently ok with the idea of homeschooling. It puts me a little more at ease when things happen and I know they're good with what we're doing.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day Talk

Jacob is giving a talk today on fathers. He did a good job preparing. I was pleased that he came up with the idea that we have a Heavenly Father and an earthly father. He talked about them and what they do. He shared some points/examples from a couple of fathers in the scriptures. He also said we have fathers in the church and gave some information about that. I was grateful that he chose to go with that. He found all of the references himself and wrote it by himself. He shared about a time when Layne shared his testimony as part of what fathers here on earth can do for us. I was so glad he chose not to go the route of telling several stories about his dad that may or may not have been relevant to a gospel principle. I think it showed maturity and spiritual awareness. He's a great kid.
I didn't get to go hear it. Rachel is sick and I'm home with her. Layne went. He is not feeling well today and so I was a little concerned about him going. I'm hoping all is well.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Summer Concerts

We went to our first summer concert last night. We got to hear hits from Broadway. It drew quite a crowd. The girls had a fun time dancing. Layne used one of the chairs that were there while I sat on the blanket and leaned against him. He surprised me by rubbing my shoulders. (They've been a little tweaked lately.)
Jonny wasn't feeling well and Jacob stayed home with him.
Good night. It feels like summer is officially here now that we have done one of our summer traditions.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Next Page

As of today, one kid is done with seminary and the girls are done with dance. It feels like the end of a chapter. I mentioned that on the way home from the dance recital and our youngest said that it sounded like the end of a book. I thought that was cute. Time to get something else written I guess.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Hymns

We've been trying this year to do a bit more with celebrating Easter. This morning I was playing some hymns from the LDS hymnbook. I noticed there are several more Christmas songs than there are Easter songs. I was thinking that was a bit odd. Then, I started looking through some of the other songs. It seems the majority of the songs are about Christ. I started playing a few that had to do with the concepts of Easter. Those that talk about who our Savior is and what he has done for us. It's quite possible that all of the hymns in the section that are used for the Sacrament could be in that category.
This morning - the song that I will keep with me is, 'I Need Thee Every Hour'.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Off and Running

I figured out a bit about how to make things work with the links. I'm hoping it'll now work to have these blogs together in one spot. I will still keep a couple of other blogs separate. (The one about our family and another about Layne's cancer.)
I'm hoping everything is working and we really are off and running.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Always Learning

I just dropped the boys off at basketball and then took the girls to the store. We did a bit of comparative shopping. It was not only about prices - but, another chance to review decimals and place value. It's been a good day. We did a variety of things and had a chance to go at our own pace for most of the time.
I took Megan to the library for the craft they do each week. She was the only one that wanted to go. She's produced a fabulous painting. It has a bit of texture. They had paints, chalk, and salt available.
We also started a science experiment together. We going to test out growing mold. I'll have them each write their hypothesis tomorrow.
We did some other activities and learning time. I'm glad we get to relax a bit tonight - sort of...I still need to read with the girls.

What's Next?

I have been thinking about income and how to make it happen for a family of five. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. There are areas that interest me - but, making money doing them doesn't really work unless you've been at it for a long time. Those that do make money helping others typically seem to make little and it takes awhile to even get that far.
As I've been praying about it - the only thing I'm getting is to blog and go to the temple. Yep - pretty random. I get the temple part. At least it seems there could be some inspiration that could come while doing so. I think it's always a good idea.
I'm not so sure about the blog part. I am completely aware that a blog is not something that will provide for a family. Well, at least not on its own. I'm not sure why the blogging idea keeps coming to mind. Maybe somewhere along the way it will help me discover what to do next. Maybe there will be a connection or two that will eventually lead me in a different direction. Maybe it's a way to get a name out there so that when I do whatever it is I'm going to do next it will give me an audience for it. Can you tell I really don't know what I'm doing? I just feel like it's what I'm supposed to be doing - so I'm going to do it. Although, some will wonder why - I'm not exactly an eloquent writer.
One thing I feel like I have going for me is that I have my own story. As I think everyone does. But, what makes mine different is the fact that I'm different - my life is different than that of others. I'm sure all of those differences will come out in other posts as time and writing moves along.

Starting Somewhere

There are a couple of things I need to do with this blog to make it more what I want. I'm at a point where I just need to start writing on a regular basis. The other things that I need to do will need to be learned and added as I go along.
There's something I could write about each day...many days have more than one topic to share. It seems we have plenty going on with daily the happenings of homeschooling, Layne's cancer, my random thoughts, and pictures I'd like to share. I also want to keep track of resources for learning - and the ideas that go along with them. I have thoughts and ideas about parenting and just life in general. 
I think for now these will all go in the same place - just for somewhere to put them. I eventually want to divide things into tabs for different topics. It's time to start - and, I need to start somewhere.