Saturday, June 22, 2013

What to do...

I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to make this work. I wanted to somehow do 'pages' of the different topics I'd like to cover. Those are still being decided also. I just feel strongly about the need to do this. I want to write about things such as purposeful parenting, executive function, thought and parables, explanations of photos I've taken, and life observations in general. I feel like I have things to say - just not sure how to organize things.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What's The Point?

My husband has cancer. We found out over a year ago and since then I've attempted to keep a blog to record the events for ourselves - and to inform those who are interested. During all of it, I was reminded once again that life is full of finding 'a new normal' and all of us are required to do so throughout our lives.
I also have multiple blogs. This is an attempt to pull them together in one spot so that I can pretend I'm more 'together' than I really am.